These resources are specific to my programming.
Math Counts - Math Counts has multiple activities. Click Resources and you can search by topic for activity.
Khan Academy - Khan Academy has a variety of resources where students can watch videos and work on practice problems. It also has math curriculum units.
NRICH Math -Free curriculum-linked resources to develop mathematical reasoning and problem-solving
Mathematics Georgia Standards of Excellence - Activities based on standards.
Illuminations -Illuminations works to serve you by increasing access to quality standards-based resources for teaching and learning mathematics, including interactive tools for students and instructional support for teachers.
EduBlog - A free education blog website. You can have students blog and respond to others using the blog site.
ReadTheory - Reading, and Writing Improved
CommonLit -CommonLit is a nonprofit education technology organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, graduate with the reading, writing, communication, and problem-solving skills they need to be successful in college and beyond.
Newsela - Newsela takes authentic content from the world's most trusted providers and turn it into learning materials that are classroom-ready.
Readworks - ReadWorks is thoughtfully designed to provide high-impact instruction that builds better readers.